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We need your help

April / May 2021

Blessings to all,  
It's finally here and we are so happy with the launching of our new website.  With the website up it is our goal for more people to learn all about our ministry and be able to see all of our pictures and what God is doing through us.   We get so excited every time God does something and we want everyone to be part of it!  

We pray everyone had a blessed Easter celebrating Jesus's resurrection and life.
Luke 24:6-7: "He is not here: he has risen!"
We want more of Christ: 
Philippians 3:10: "I want to know Christ - yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death."

April & May both, we have flooded ourselves in ministry by attending as many churches, bible studies, prayer meetings, women's conferences and men's breakfasts, watching sermons on-line and just spending private time with God.   We have been trying to saturate ourselves with learning more and more about Jesus and God's word and equipping ourselves for the upcoming move in our life.  To be able to be a stronger witness and person of prayer because we know we are going into a battlefield for God.  Pastor David Roach quotes "If you live in the word, you produce good fruit" from John 15:5

We also pray that everyone had a blessed Mother's day.
Proverbs 23:22-25: "Let your father and mother be glad; let her who bore you rejoice."
Proverbs 31:28-31: "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

The main thing on our minds and hearts for this newsletter is that we have been eager to write what God asked us to ask of you:  "We Need Your Help."    We have been getting messages and calls flooded with prayer requests.  With each request we spend time giving words of encouragement along with sending scripture of encouragement and a written prayer to each person we receive a message from.  We are asking from everyone to do 2 things:

1.  No matter if you consider yourself a prayer warrior or not we are asking if everyone reading this letter after reading it could stop and say a prayer for all these requests.   There are so many needs: people hurting, fighting depression, starving, loss of home, and more.
Matthew 18:19-20: "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."    
2.  For this month we are asking each of you to consider donating to disaster relief:,  even if only $5 as a one time gift.   If each of you do this it will make a significant impact on so many lives and we do not feel like at least $5 is too much for us to ask.   If you already donate to us then consider this month to give to disaster relief instead of us (pray asking God what, where and how often).  We have a pain in our hearts for these people even more now seeing all the disastrous things that are happening.  Please help us make a difference in these people's lives.
Matthew 5:16: "let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

We want to share with you some prayer requests we are receiving, these are written in their words, each is from a different person:
--"i need your help please i'm sick my blood sugar is so high i no work almost 1 year it's so poor."
--"i needed prayers because until now here its so many people's died and for now i am so worried for people here, but for now people here all hes needed food but now all.. have another people here no have money to by the food"
--"please pray, family members and my neighbors are preparing to evacuate to the evacuating area due to typhoon of crising is landfall here now.. pray unto God for us safety here. And pray for me because I got illness I'm not feeling physically."
--"please pray for us have a missions this coming week 2 hours walking...we raise now slippers and other basic need."
--"my dad stroke cant talk, Feel sad and stress, just surrender my problem to the Lord"
--"lockdown here every Sunday we can't go out to the city cuz all establishments are close...but we do church at 4am hehe"
--"my father reject me he said if i'm slain you know you look so crazy!...why your so faithful in God he said, my father is hate me reject me he said at me i'm so b...  every night my eyes is cry"
--"i need comfort, because i'm always so much in pain, deep inside i'm not ok but outside i'm tired to pretend that i'm ok, specially to smile just to hide my pain"
--"pstor pls pray need may shelter, and for complet healing for ovarian, and need materials in financial for shelter and for may family"
--"pray we need help for spiritual and physical needs of the people who live in the mountains"

These are just some of the prayer requests we've been getting, currently the Philippines have been hit with typhoons, strong winds and flooding along with numbers rising in cases of covid.
If you like to be part of our ministry financially you can give by going to "give" on this website or you can mail a check made out to Gods Love Ministry Worldwide and mail to 360 Peck St. Melbourne FL 32901.  All contributions are tax deductible.

Thank you to all our supporters and prayer warriors.  You are a vessel God is using in His ministry.

Love, Missionaries Michael & Tammy