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December 2022 Newsletter

We gave out a lot of toys at the feeding programs but with schedule changes we did not make it to all.
“But God” had other plans for us to bless children !!

As we traveled God pointed out to us some villages that He wanted us to bless His children at.  

One of the villages did not have any Christian churches close by & consisted of bamboo homes, many up on stilts because of flooding, we also saw a Muslim Mosque with 1 concrete home next to it that even received toys with gratitude.

As we drove we stopped at every home ringing bells & calling out Merry Christmas.
Children came from every direction to see what was going on.

One father was holding a boy about 2 years old, as Michael handed him a toy frog, Michael looked up at the father & he had tears in his eyes as his son received the gift.

We have decided next year this is what we want to do. 
Follow God's direction on what villages to deliver the toys to.

We have experienced the move of God in many ways this month.

We had a house guest who was talking on live chat with her twin sister, as she was chatting they showed me the twins baby. 
I noticed the baby's eyes would not focus & after praying the baby's eyes were healed. 
The next day was Sunday & they had the baby dedicated & everyone at the church noticed the healing.  

We had 2 young women who God pointed out to Michael during his preaching.
After prayer they were freed from prostitution, both in shock that Michael knew about their lives, since God showed him.

Prayer warriors please pray for:
1. Health - many people are sick with cold related illnesses
2. Continued direction in God's ministry

If God puts it on your heart to help support our ministry you can go to our website by clicking on the "click to give" button.

Thank you to our supporters for 2022.
Looking forward to the blessing of God in 2023. 
Without you we could not do all God wants us to do in the Philippines. 

Love, Michael & Tammy, Philippines