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Jan, Feb & March 2020
God's blessings,
Well 2019 is gone and boy what a year of change God did in our lives!
2020 here now and we can't even imagine what God has in store!
We believe and stand on faith in Gods word that He is gonna provide all our needs in 2020!
2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
January was a blessed month as we traveled to Missouri and visited family, then Pennsylvania and California to speak at churches. We also shared at our Florida CMA State rally about the Jesus Film.
February was very busy with preparation for our move to the Philippines and all the last minute details.
March we were all ready to leave and while at our going away party with family and close friends, including Pastor Dave and Janet with One Life Ministry, the Corona phone call came from the Philippines. The whole country was put on lockdown for at least 30 days.
We have currently a little over 50% of our goal in financial support of $13,000 for 1 year of expenses to live in the Philippines.  We are praying God puts it on people's heart to be a supporter and step up and make a commitment.
There are many needs we will be assisting with while in the Philippines.  We will be looked upon to help with approximately 185 tribal churches, ministering to the pastor's, leaders, and church members.  We will be assisting with Bible colleges and bible studies.  Also speaking and teaching on the radio to the people of Mindanao Island. We will be working with Food For Life feeding programs to feed at least 15,000+ meals a month and working with the One Life shelter house (orphanage) and spreading the gospel to the island of Mindanao and everywhere a need may be in the ministry.
Every penny will be significant in the life of the people of Mindanao if God lays it on your heart to help support us.
Prayer warriors please focus on the corona virus effects.
Thank you,
Gods blessings to you,
Michael & Tammy Missionaries Philippines