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July 2019
Dear friends and family,
We would like to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity God has presented to Michael and I.
Envision a land where water buffalo are used for farming, rice fields are surrounding you on both sides as you ride down a dry dusty or slippery muddy road according to what season it is.  Where running water is a stream near by, or there is no electricity, or modern convinces.  A place where children run shoeless and hungry and where some will die from a very simple curable disease because of no medicine or clean water.
We have for some time felt the call to missions, a call not fully defined, but a call to give our lives to people who need to be encouraged, helped and loved, also a call to share with them the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It was from this call and burning growing desire that we recently went to Mindanao island in the Philippines.  We went on a short term missions trip and experienced first hand those things listed above.  Our hearts were broken over and over, and our lives challenged to the real definition of a call to missions.  This trip changed our lives! Also this trip created in us a greater hunger to give our lives to the call of missions.
We traveled with One Life Ministries on the mission trip for two weeks and we were saturated with ministry opportunities.  The joy we experienced is unexplainable considering some of the poverty we saw.  We ministered to every age group, in church buildings on mountain sides and in conferences where 1,300 tribal Christians gathered hungry for more of God.  The presence of the Holy Spirit was heavy upon us and we evidenced many salvations, healings and deliverances. GOD IS GOOD.....
Out of this trip and relationship with One Life Ministries we received an invitation to join the ministry team there full time as missionaries.  We rejoiced as our hearts knew this is what the Lord was telling us....
Before we can join the ministry and move to the Philippines as full time missionaries we need $13,000 in pledges for our support.  This will cover one year for us to live in the Philippines.  This is the minimum we must have that has been determined by the One Life Ministries missions department for any of their missionaries to live safely on the field.....
If you can, we would be very grateful for your prayer support.  
Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God's leading in ministry.
It is so important to the success of this mission!
~Please pray for Philippines & our ministry
~God to flow through us
Because of His great Love,
Missionaries Philippines
Michael &Tammy Naumann