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This month we celebrated our 9 year marriage anniversary.  Time is flying by and love continues to grow.

We are still traveling all over the island on a weekly basis, including a youth conference, but the good news is that the gas price dropped now to $5.90 a gallon (this week haha).

We were invited to Faith Tribal Bible Institute where about 20 graduated and are now all in ministry work in their different villages.

We were invited back to speak to the new year students of 36 and spoke 2 nights bringing a message of encouragement and training for God's plan in their lives.

This month we had issues with the ministry vehicle not starting and had to purchase a new battery that cost $167.00.  Was surprised how much we had to pay and of course this happened on a Sunday before church so we were 45 min late getting to the church we were preaching at.  
Thanks to God for providing a stranger to give us a jump start.  

Additional repairs that are needed to the vehicle include: left rear brake seal leaking,  right front tire needs valve stem replaced, also needs new brakes and alignment.  

Please pray God will provide for additional funds for the vehicle repairs.

Prayer warriors please pray for:
1. Our health. We have been having sinus / allergy issues for several weeks.
2. More financial supporters.

To give you can here on our website:    

Or mail a check to: 
Gods Love Ministry Worldwide 
360 Peck St, Melbourne FL 32901

The monthly budget is just our living expenses, not the extra we give towards ministry to help others or any repairs to the ministry vehicle. 
We are looking for monthly committed supporters.

Our Heart of Thanks goes out to everyone who prays for us and gives financially no matter if monthly or one time or just when you can. 
Without prayer and God we would not be able to do all that God wants us to.

Love, Michael & Tammy, Philippines