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June newsletter 2020
Good day to everyone.  It is a very blessed day today (7/11) as Michael and I share our 7 year anniversary.
On this anniversary we are looking back at all God has done in our lives.
So for June's newsletter I thought we would share a little about our call on our lives.
Michael and I both became Christians early in life.  When we started dating Michael rededicated his life to God and God took over in so many ways.  Then after we got married we both stood up and said God use me, send me, wherever you want us to go God we are yours.  Shortly after that Michael received his Minister's license & was ordained to preach.  As we look back things seem to have happened so fast.  Tons of little miracle blessings starting flowing over our lives.  We moved to Florida where we met Pastor Dave and Janet Roach and that relationship was not an accident.  Pastor Dave invited us to go to the Philippines.  Michael and I both had been on mission trips, but while in the Philippines we had never experienced the presence of God move in such a powerful way.  God did so many miracles right before our eyes and through us, its indescribable all that God did.  Michael and I both fell in love, both with God in a deeper love then we ever felt before and with each other.  We fell in love with the Philippines and with the people.  Our hearts now cry out for the desire to help in the Philippines, it was our home before our mission trip was even over.  So now yes we are in the US staying quarantined as much as we can waiting to go home.  But during this waiting time we still see Gods plan and perfect timing unfold more and more. Thank you to all who have poured into our lives with love, prayers and any type of support.  We can't thank you all enough and ask you to continue because God has so much more that He is doing and going to do and you are part of that !!!
Prayer warriors please pray:
1) Pray for our travels to open so we can get to the Philippines to start helping where needed in the ministry.
2) The orphanage is almost finished please pray for the 18 children in the transition.
3) Pray for all extra finances for the expenses in our move and getting our home setup with the things we need to purchase for it.
If you would like to be part of this mission we thank you for prayers and your financial support.
Every penny will be significant in the life of the people of Mindanao.
Missionaries Michael & Tammy Naumann