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June, July, August 2021

Hello to all, hope you are well, we are still in Florida waiting for the Philippines to open but due to Covid the country is still on lockdown to foreigners.  While in the states we are continuing to do daily ministry with people asking for prayer in all areas from financial, sicknesses, emotional depression caused from many things in life and some just want to talk and feel loved.

In the last newsletter we asked that everyone would give towards the needs of the people in the Philippines.  We like to share what just 1 person did by giving.  We were able to feed 2 villages that consists of about 200 people.   We were also able to purchase clothes for some little children who may have had only 1 outfit.  The villages that we were able to get food and clothing to are in a remote part of the mountains that many don’t travel to.  One of the villages had a church in it that we saw a picture of, it had a bamboo stick frame with curtains hanging. They had no musical instruments and on a rainy day they still had church while getting wet but praising the Lord.  One 110 pound bag of rice is only $45 and the impact of feeding a village is huge when there are so many people starving and sick. 

Prayer warriors we ask that you focus prayer on these topics:

  1. Travel to open for us to get to the Philippines.  We are needed in many areas of the ministry.
  2. The finances to come in to meet the many needs of the people and ministry.
  3. Protection for all doing God's work.

We also like to say all monies donated to the ministry went 100% to the people of the Philippines in need.  There are never advertising costs or salaries paid out.  The only thing that cost money is the money transfer fee and we paid for that.  Even the couple people who we sent the money to did not get an income to distribute, they did it as a blessing for their village people.  

Make a difference in someones life today.   YOU can save a life.  

If you like to be part of our ministry financially you can give by going to “Give”  All contributions are tax deductible.  

Thank you to all our supporters and prayer warriors!  You are a vessel God is using in His ministry.

Love, Missionaries Michael & Tammy