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This month has been an emotional month. 

We have had many devine appointments, people coming to the altar for healings, being set free from past hurts, salvations, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

The One Life Ministry Training Center has been a great gathering place for meetings and women's devotionals now being held twice a month.

For the last months we have been asking for prayer and support for Babies Zia & Miclyn, both passed away this month.
Enough funds did not come in so the needed surgerys did not happen.

The question was asked by many if there were Dr’s to do the surgery and the answer was yes, even for free. But just finding Dr’s is only the 1st step.  It takes finances for transportation plus all the other things prior to surgery.  Most don’t have money for even transportation and it is very hard for us to raise money for anything. There are very few who send money and so with each child that needs finances we just pray for healing and God to provide all their needs.  We accept what God provides and His plan.

Both of these babies did not even make it to being 1 year old.  If we had more supporters we would love to have an emergency fund for children we come across like these two.  We have to just trust God for all the support.

Prayer warriors please pray for:
1. More financial supporters.
2. For God to work through us in all we do.

Thanks to the new supporters.

Thank you to all for the support we have received, prayer & financial!

Love, Michael & Tammy