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May has been very busy and exciting.
We have been finishing up on all the work on the new ministry building that was given to us to use. 
We finished all the plumbing, painting and had an air conditioning installed. 
We now have it set up with a little sitting area and also tables to use for meetings and serving meals. 
We stocked the room with extras like Christian books, games, puzzles and Christian movies for teams to enjoy on their off time.

We had the bunk beds delivered just in time to be able to have all 14 children from our shelter house for a weekend visit. 

They arrived on a Friday evening, after we played street games like badminton with them, we provided dinner and a movie projected on the wall in our new ministry building. 
That night the kids were so supper excited to sleep on the bunk beds and experience air conditioning for their 1st time.

Saturday after breakfast we loaded everyone up in the ministry vehicles and headed off to a beach area we found that was pretty secluded and it was perfect. 
When we arrived there was only 1 family there so it was very easy to keep track of all our kids. 
We only had 1 of the girls get car sick so I call that a success since they were not used to traveling anywhere in cars yet.

On the way home we stopped by an oceanside food stand that sold chicken on a stick and the kids loved it.  
After getting home and showered, we all walked to the street to one of the shops and bought each of the kids new flip-flop type shoes.

That night we had play time where the kids sang songs. 
We got out all our kids instruments where the kids just broke out and were kids being loud with singing and going crazy on the instruments. 
Yes VERY loud but I giggled so much watching them all just so very much enjoying themselves and they Loved meeting our dogs.

We still are looking for sponsors for each child. 
If you like to sponsor a child we can message you pictures & videos of the child you choose and even set up video chats with an interpreter so you can communicate.    
We are looking for multiple sponsors for each child because we do not only take care of the personal needs we also have staff and housing expenses.

The rest of the month has been consumed with Church visits and preparing for our trip to the US this June to visit our families and do church visits. 

It has been 1 ½ years since we've been home and we are so excited about the trip

Prayer warriors please pray for:
1. Funds to come in for the special needs we sent out a special letter of request for.
2. Support for each child of the shelter house.
3. Extra funds for us to help with all our travels, we will be gone for 51 days and traveling to 6 states.

Without you we could not do all God wants us to do in the Philippines.

Love, Michael & Tammy, Philippines