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October 2019
Gods blessings to everyone,
We have had a lot that has happened in the month of October.
1st, Michael and I both had to have dental work taken care of.  We had to go to a dental surgeon who after finding out why we were getting our teeth taken care of was because of us moving to the Philippines the Dr surprised us with knocking off about $1500.00 from our bill.  On top of that he and his staff are going to come to do a free dental clinic in the Philippines for about 1 week.
2nd, Michael and I went to our CMA Colors Rally in Mena AR for a week then from there went to Cimarron, KS to preach at The First Christian Church. We then headed back home.
3rd, we had the opportunity to be quest speakers at a Radio Station WJFP in Ft Pierce, FL.
4th, we flew to Curtis Bay Maryland to the Community Gospel Church. While there we had the opportunity to spend time with Pastor Dave Roach and his family.
We like to thank each pastor, congregations and the Radio Station for having us come and speak.  Gods presence was at each event and touched many lives.
The MOST EXCITING new thing is, God has blessed us with a rental home for us to live in the Philippines.  After Pastor Dave and Pastor Amlon both along with 3 Filipino Realtors had been looking.  Pastor Dave and Pastor Amlon found a 2 bedroom 1 bath for $365 a month.  They sent pictures and Pastor Dave mentioned it was so small the door hit the toilet when opening the door.  After prayer we just did not hear from God that this was the house He had for us.  Then I woke up in the middle of the night and looked on Facebook and a 4 bedroom with each bedroom having a bathroom had just been listed for rent.  I got ahold of Pastor Amlon, him and his wife went to look at it for us.  Well it is less then 10 min from where he is and we got it for $300 a month.  After seeing the video and pictures of the home Pastor Dave says "we for sure have Gods favor on our lives".   We now have room for church mission teams to come and even stay with us.  Praise God for this is what we had been praying for.  He answers prayers and opens doors.
Thank you to all who have supported us financially and for prayer.  
We had to pay 2 months rent plus 1 month deposit and it's because of your faithfulness to God He is supplying our needs.
Gods blessings and Many thanks,
Missionaries Michael & Tammy Naumann