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Oct / Nov 2020

We pray everyone is blessed.

Oct was so full of exciting things.  We kept busy doing so much for both the church and also still meeting so many new friends from the Philippines through Facebook.  It's such a true blessing when you get a message from someone who asks you to teach them about God or if we can send them a good scripture verse for the day and then they ask us to explain the meaning of the verse.  Gods timing is so perfect for us and these people are so hungry for God.

Things were going along fine then all of a sudden everything come to a halt.  Michael found out that the feeding program that he delivered food to on Mondays that all of their staff we're positive to the corona.  They had not told Michael so he got exposed.  He started feeling bad himself then me and when tested we both tested positive. It was quite unbelievable since Michael always wore his mask and gloves and even carried a bottle of hand sanitizer with him that he used constantly.  So this last week we have been staying quarantined away from everybody.  It has been a tough week with muscle aches and pains, some fever and other symptoms we are still suffering.

With the down time we have been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving coming and about so many of the things that we have to be thankful for.  We thank God for our families and friends.  We thank God for His call on our lives and all the Filipinos that God is putting in our lives.  We thank God for every prayer that has been prayed over our ministry and those who have sown financially into it.  Michael prayed the other day and even thanked God for our sickness.  Because with the sickness we know God is our healer.

So with this newsletter we send out our love to all and we pray that everyone of you are healthy and blessed this coming Thanksgiving.  We pray you all feel Gods love and the love of family.  Take time to sit and think of all God has blessed you with.  Some of us will have big family gatherings with a table full of food and some don't even know if they will have food at all.  Some of us are living in cold climates with no heat or hot climates with no AC. But know matter what our living condition be thankful at all times.

Colossians 3:15-17 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking, because you were all called together in one body to have peace.  Always be thankful.  Let the teaching of Christ live in you richly.  Use all wisdom to each other by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.  Everything you do or say should be done to obey Jesus your Lord.  And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.

Prayer warriors please pray:

1) For the many needs of the people in the Philippines as they continue to see the effects of corona and also many storms hitting the islands leaving many without homes.

2) For our travels to open so we can get to the Philippines to start helping where needed in the ministry.

3) For our living expenses now and all extra expenses in our move.

We want to thank all our supporters and prayer warriors.  You are significant in the life of the people of Mindanao.

Love, Missionaries Michael & Tammy