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 Thanksgiving/ Christmas 

My thoughts go well beyond my own though as I can’t help but think about those God has connected us with to love.  Yes, our extended family in several countries who we treasure in our hearts.  I would like to take a few minutes of your time to update you concerning these who need our love and support. 

Church Planting  230 churches and growing.  How does a mission continue to grow in the middle of a pandemic shutting down the country? Simply through the commitment of our church planters to preach the gospel.  They know of the power of this message and that it can not chained.  2 Tim 2:9-10 Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.  Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.  Our church pastors and leaders are the Paul’s and the Timothy’s of today, giving their lives and using the gifting that God has given them to further the kingdom of God.  Our Pastors are gifted in the Word to equip and are also very evangelistic for the propagation of the gospel.  We thank God for them!  They climb mountains, cross rivers and endure hardships such as flooding and typhoons.  When their churches are damaged by the elements they pray and seek God for the finances they need.  In this season of torrential rains many have suffered damage.  Of course they become discouraged at times and tired and are even tempted to quit; yet they pray through and with fresh faith arise and continue. Truly these are my heroes of faith. 

Radio broadcast  Our broadcast continues to go out 24/7.  The good news is we have now begun another station and it is fully operational.  We also have been given licenses to operate in several other areas which will allow us to blanket the island with Christian worship, plus slots for the teaching of the word.  Each new station creates the potential for literally thousands to come to Christ and grow in the faith.  It also gives us the opportunity to partner with other ministries as we give them airtime to preach the Word of God. 

Feeding Programs  Our feeding program, “Food for Life”, continues to grow in numbers. Just this past month October & November we began 4 new feeding programs.  About 300 new children have come.  We know that it takes feeding a minimum of twice per week to bring minimal change in nourishment.  About 30% of our programs need to be increased to make a quality health change with in the children.  We now prepare 15,000 plus meals monthly with the need to increase to 25,000 to make a significant difference.  Please do not read this wrong, you're giving has literally saved the lives of thousands of children.  Without your gift of love the sufferings would be great for these children.  You have made a significant difference.  We would like to do more for them especially those in critical areas of poverty.  The Lord will supply for these children as we pray and believe God for their needs.  When you think how we can provide a meal for 20 Philippines pesos which is equivalent to $.37 American money or $.74 cents per week, if we feed twice a week. That is less than $1.00 per week for a child. or $3.00 per month.  Just think if we would supply one child with a meal two times per week for $0.75 per week or $3.00 per month or $36 for a year.  Wow, think how easy it is to become a hero to a child.  We need heroes.  Won’t you please step up to the plate and become a hero for a child or for several children?  The Lord sees and smiles on those who give generously. 

New Orphanage (Shelter House)  Due to fighting in some regions we now have 18 orphans we are now taking care of.  One of our church leaders found these children as she traveled to an unreached area with the Gospel.  Many of these mountain areas are strongholds for Islam or New Peoples Army (Communism) and are very dangerous to live or travel in.  We have planted several churches in these areas and this is where these children lived.  We have now removed them to an area that is much safer. Due to the generous giving of you, our supporters, these children are moving in soon.  The government officials have have not allowed us at this time to move forward, but we are confident this will change very shortly.  Currently, the children are being cared for by our pastors and church in this area.  All these areas we speak of our extremely poor and the Covid 19 has made everything much more difficult.  Please pray with us as we press forward.  We supply the money to the church and it is distributed to those families who temporarily are supplying shelter.  Please pray that we will gain the government permission to move into the building.  Also pray for us as we will be adding an estimated $15,000 dollars per year to operate the shelter, and care for the children's needs. 

Christmas Giving  Each year we supply Christmas gifts for our children and volunteers who have sacrificially given of their time.  For some of our new outreaches these children will be receiving a Christmas gift for the first time ever.  Our gifts are aimed to supply things such as shoes or a piece of clothing, plus a small play item such as a ball, or appropriate gift for their age and gender.  This is a non-budgeted item that we need another miracle to do this year.  We will be supplying gifts to children in Philippines, India, and Pakistan.  Plus we desire supplying food to Pakistani widows.
These widows often are slaves due to money owed by their deceased husbands.  Others are enslaved in order for them and their children work & live in brick and cement block production yards, carrying block and bricks for pennies per day.  Can you help with another Christmas miracle? 

We need in total of $10,000 for these three countries.  This amount seems so large to me, especially since I know how much some of you have already given.  Asking for gifts and support is one of the most difficult things I have to do.  Yet I push past the feeling of being uncomfortable as I remember what will be accomplished as we work together. Thank you for reading this newsletter and for your prayers.  We respect each of you and honor you for all you have done.  This mission is actually your mission, you have made it possible to happen. 

Thank you,
One Life Ministries / Food for Life David & Janet Roach 

Please use our website to give:
or mail checks to:  One Life Ministries, 121 Meadow View Ln., Bainbridge, PA 17502
(All checks must be made out to:  One Life Ministries Inc. to qualify for tax deduction)