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September 2019
God's blessings to all.
We are excided about this newsletter!!
God is molding our future with His hands.
We are His vessel and He is getting us prepared to do His works.
1st surprise from God was we received 341 little girls dresses.  A 90 year old women named Maddie, who we never met but she heard about us through a mutual friend and got excited about our ministry.  She thought to herself  "how can I bless them since I can't financially"  so she did what she loves and started making dresses. Word got out and people started donating the material and ribbon and she said  "as long as people keep donating, I will keep sewing".  God filled her heart with joy as she knew she was blessing the little girls of the Philippines.
Our 2nd surprise we had from God was on Wednesday, the day we were suppose to get hit by the hurricane Dorian, Tammy got a message asking if her car was for sale still.  Next thing we know they drove 45 min just to look at it and we did a handshake on the deal.  On Fri while at bank to take care of the financing, the lady who purchased the Jeep, told us she prayed to God for a Jeep Renegade in an odd color.  She got on Facebook and saw our Jeep immediately and knew that was the answer from God for her prayer without a doubt !!
Our 3rd surprise from God happened just this week.  We received an email from the Jesus Film located in Orlando, Florida asking about our ministry in the Philippines.  After our response they contacted us to let us know that they are going to bless us with 2 backpacks of equipment.  These backpacks are what they supply missionaries with that include projectors, solar chargers, projection screens, the Jesus Film and different films for evangelism and teaching.  We are so excited we got to pick up to 9 different languages they will supply for us.
The 4th thing this month was a praise report that our dog Mia did not have cancer all in her lungs.  We did have to take off some cancerous tumors so while Mia is recuperating from surgery we have been doing alot of packing and selling items to prepare for our move and pay off our debts.  We have to be debt free before our move.
We would like to say THANK YOU for all donations, prayers and financial support!  All support received will be used while in the Philippines for our living expenses since we are not allowed to have an income.
Isaiah 64:8
But Lord, you are our father. We are like clay, and you are the potter; your hands made us all.
We are nothing without God,
In Christs love,
Missionaries Michael & Tammy